Sommer Winter

Freeriding in Obertauern

Freeriding in Obertauern

The ”Arlberg” of the Salzburger Land – traditionally driving from blue to red, the guys around the Harry Pachner of have been practising for several years now in the wonderful discipline of freeriding or deep snow riding. Glide wood artists are naturally an absolute hotspot in the Salzburger Land, namely the supposed Apres-Ski Resort of Obertauern. The height of almost 2000 m and the climatic favorable situation provide for fantastic snow heights and deep snow experiences of the extra class. Saturday morning morning I experienced a culture shock, which I had been denied in my mountain guide career until now. In front of me a pack of freshly runaway Mostviertler with scurrying hooves, which for once left the Super-G devices in the car this time and strapped on the freeride lattes. The rest of the style, including the racer mentality and latent macho fuss, of course remained unchanged. But the interpersonal was soon reduced to a primitive minimum after the first climb and the rest of the day we enjoyed the freshly fallen powder in complete absence of competition on this holiday-change Saturday. A little creativity in the line selection was definitely in demand, but in view of the moderate snow heights an almost epic ski day came about in the highly alpine ambience for Obertauern. On Sunday we devoted ourselves to the remaining delicacies towards gnadenalm and untertauern as well as to the discipline of ”nonsense”, which seems to be placed in the cradle above all by a certain Mr. R. G. At this point I would like to apologize on the one hand to the schigöttern for the extensive desecration of our sports equipment, and on the other hand to Sophie, who was the only girl in the troupe to get her ‘fat away’!’ If you feel like going to the Tauern, please refer to our program, in which we plan a weekend around Kesselspitze and Zehnerkar in the near future. With sporting greetings, especially towards Lower AustriaAndreas

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