Sommer Winter

Piz Buin – from sunscreen and strawberry limes

Piz Buin - from sunscreen and strawberry limes

For the third time this year we were on the road with a convivial Munich ladies’ round to re-explore the mountaineering boundaries. This time we went to the highest mountain in Vorarlberg, the Piz Buin. Even if the journey for the ladies was on varying routes, thanks to satellite navigation we all found ourselves halfway punctually on the Bieler Höhe in the Silvretta. In the best weather we strolled along the reservoir towards Wiesbadener Hütte, as the cloud towers built up ever higher and more threatening. As predicted, the free wellness program, including rain showers and hail massage, started about half an hour before we reached the rescue shelter. Thanks to the short slacks of the previous day, we slipped into our wonderfully wet-cold mountain boots the next morning and climbed towards the summit in the early morning. Over large moraine walls and already astonishingly bare glacial ice, we went up to the flat glacier plateau to the rocky summit structure. The easy climbing points in the 2nd degree of difficulty were able to the Piz-Palü-tested (previous year!) Ladies but not really impress, and after four entertaining hours we stood at the summit cross in Kaiserwetter. Whether the threatened thunderstorm danger we did not droole too long and were already around 2 p.m. on the still sunny Wiesbadener Hütte and sacrificed some Kaiserschmarren in honor of the Buin. Since lightning and thunder were missing, we were able to use the afternoon to dry the material and reveal the damaged bodies in the so-called ‘Piz-Buin” position of the blazing high mountain sun. The hail damage from the previous day in the form of countless mini-blood sprues on the mountaineering wads also came to light among one or the other brave participant. In the evening, there was a lot of lucrative talk about all sorts of lucrative ones and Andrea introduced a curious drink called ”Erdbeerlimes”. At least I could only marvel at this and look forward to next year, when this sung is tasted. The second day of the tour then offered a lot of contrasting. The lesser-known Haagspitze as a destination, we left the hiking trail after a short time and were on the way away from trampled paths for the rest of the day. In contrast to the ”Good Friday procession” of the previous day, this was a welcome change. Almost effortlessly we reached the ”Totenfeldscharte”, the transition to the next valley towards Jamtalhütte. Down to the south side of the Totenfeld Glacier, however, we swindled over steep, wayless, but baseless glacier retreat areas and were glad to finally stand on solid ice again. The summit climb was then only the cure and also necessary to repair the scratched nerve costume. Over the lonely Bieltal we descended again towards Silvretta High Alpine Road and reached the car in the early afternoon. There were already swimming trunks, bikinis and a fresh Silvretta reservoir waiting for us. Immediately after a shower tablet, we got rid of our accumulated sweat of fear in the cool glacier water in order to end the weekend with coffee and apple strudel. At this point, Sarah, who has overcome all the hardships almost in pairs (with little Buina?), is pregnant in the 6th month. Our honest respect! Greetings, Andi

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